Parents and those who work with children will find inspiration and practical tools for raising children based on each child's unique gifts and talents. Includes a detailed Personality Trait Assessment Tool.

Most parents approach the task of raising children with their own agendas and histories. Plus, they're bombarded with all kinds of advice, plans, and programs. They define their philosophies, develop household rules, set schedules in motion, and ultimately look to create little versions of themselves.

But, as many parents soon realize, one philosophy doesn't always work for every child. Just ask mom of eight Julie Lyles Carr. As Julie discovered, God has given each child specific gifts, temperaments, abilities, and capacities for specific purposes, and it's a parent's job to help them flourish.

In Raising an Original, you will learn to help your children:

  • Understand their unique strengths and the challenges associated with them
  • Discover their God-given gifts and how to use them for His glory
  • Succeed regardless of their circumstances

Raising an Original will provide you with tools for better communication with your children as well as insight into providing unique guidance and discipline for each child. With a helpful and detailed Personality Trait Assessment Tool included as a major part of the book, you will understand yourselves, your parenting style, and your child better.

And, ultimately, you'll find freedom in discovering that God hasn't asked you to raise perfect children; He's asked you to raise children of purpose - children who know who they are, who they're called to be, and their unique role in God's kingdom.

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More from Julie Lyles Carr

Raising an Original
Julie Lyles Carr
September 2016

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