In My Own Way is the eighth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. This novel inspires young women to deepen their relationships with God as they face real-life issues and solve their problems in God-honoring ways.

"There is a certain expectation for how characters look, don't you agree? Why do casting directors start with headshots?"

Amelia Bryan has heard it before. Of course. Doesn't the pretty girl always win?

But there may yet be some surprises in store for Amelia. The summer is behind her . . . just a bad dream she's trying hard to forget. She has the kindness of her friends, the guidance of God. And then there is that sweet note from the nice boy she met at theater camp.

Chin up, Amelia. You can do this. Your way.

Today's girls can relate to Amelia's struggles with appearance and identity. Amelia frequently compares herself to others at school and in her community and feels like she doesn't quite measure up to the perfect standard that is expected of her. The Riverbend Friends series addresses these topics from a healthy Christian perspective and helps parents have important conversations about tough topics with their teens.

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