Everlasting Life is a compilation of books about growing with God into a stronger, healthier relationship with Jesus and yourself. This series will help you to create a greater sense of intimacy with the Lord and bring healing to your soul. If approached with an open heart and mind, God can use the words of this book and the Scriptures to ignite healing and transformation from the inside out.

God can take anyone from a place of brokenness and despair to finding healing and restoration through Jesus Christ. He is well able to take our pain and use it for greatness. God reveals Himself to everyone who will listen. He chases those who are lost and wounded, because of His desire to have an intimate, personal relationship with us. He meets everyone right where they are. God accepts us as we are while we are growing in Him, because His love far outweighs all of our mistakes. God's love is so intense for us that He provided His Son as the ultimate sacrifice. No one is ever too far beyond God's reach.

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