Double-sealed and disposable, individual Celebration wafer and juice sets combine modern convenience and purity with a taste for tradition. The elements are prepackaged, with both wafer and juice in a single two-part container. Communion participants peel back one seal to remove the communion wafer. A second seal under the wafer is then removed for juice. Celebration cups are designed to fit standard communion ware. Also available in boxes of 250 and 500 ready-to-use cups.

Other Formats & Editions

Communion-Celebration Cup Prefilled Juice/Wafer-Box 100
LLC The Compak Companies
General merchandise
September 2007
Communion-Celebration Cup Prefilled Juice/Wafer-Box 100
LLC The Compak Companies
General merchandise
September 2007

More from LLC The Compak Companies

Celebration Cup 250 Count (Wafer & Juice Communion Set)
LLC The Compak Companies
September 2007
Communion-Celebration Cup Prefilled Juice/Wafer-Box 100
LLC The Compak Companies
General merchandise
September 2007
Communion-Celebration Cup Prefilled Juice/Wafer-Box 100
LLC The Compak Companies
General merchandise
September 2007

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